Bug - blank error message in console - Unity

  ***** 3 ways to solve this problem ****

1. when you are using "unity version" below "unity 2019.3.0" then you must follow the following path.
      open unity editor → File → Build settings → player settings → other settings→                configuration → "scripting runtime version → .Net 3.5 equavalent" (←select it).

unity blank error settings

2.  when you are using "unity version" > "unity 2019.3.0" then you open the visual studio installer.
      I hope, you installed the visual studio community if yes, you click on modify option button
      then you install the .Net desktop development and restart pc.
      this works definitely in any version of unity...

.Net framework setting for unity blank error

3.  when above two cases are not working then your pc current location change to "United States"
      Control panel→ Region→Location.

    I hope this will solve your problem but when nothing happen by using these cases. then you  specify your problem in comment section...please...

                 ***  Thanks for visiting to this blog.... ***


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